Frequently Asked Questions!

What are baby spiders called?

-- Baby spiders are referred to as spiderlings.

What do you mean when you say a spider is *instar?

-- Each stage of development between molts is called an instar.

What does Molting mean?

-- In order to grow, spiders must shed their hard exterior exoskeleton that's called molting. This allows the spider to grow and replace its exoskeleton with a fresher model. Young spiders tend to molt frequently whereas older mature spiders molt less often. 

What does it mean when you say New World Tarantula?

-- New world tarantulas come from the Western Hemisphere and are considered to have a much milder venom.  They are slower moving and heavier bodied.  Their biggest form of defense are the tiny hairs that cover their abdomens.  These are called urticating hairs. When threatened, they will use their back legs to kick the hairs off of their abdomen and into the air. These tiny, floating hairs have barbed ends.  These can get into the eyes, nose or on the skin causing significant irritation.

 What does it mean when you say Old World Tarantula?

--Old World tarantulas come from the Eastern Hemisphere.  They are fast and if provoked, some can also deliver a medically significant bite.

What is the difference between Poisonous and Venomous?  Isn't it the same thing?

--No it is not the same thing.  Poison is a toxin that gets in to your system by inhaling, swallowing, or absorption through the skin.  Venom is a toxin that is injected in to you.

Can the bite from a tarantula kill me?

--It is a myth that tarantula venom is deadly.  Tarantula bites from a new world tarantula may feel similar to a bee sting, causing pain at the site of the bite, while bites from old world species could cause pain, nausea, muscle cramping and vomiting.

Are Tarantulas aggressive?

--No, tarantulas are not aggressive they are defensive!  In fact they would rather run from you than to bite you.

What does it mean when you say Arboreal?

--An Arboreal tarantula is a tree-dwelling species. You can find these type of tarantula in trees or tall scrub bushes. 

What does it mean when you say Terrestrial?

--A Terrestrial tarantula is a heavier bodied species that lives on or near the ground and can often be found in shallow burrows.

What does it mean when you say Fossorial?

--A Fossorial tarantula is a burrowing species that you will rarely see above ground. 

What is Sexual Dimorphism?

--Sexual dimorphism is the systematic difference in form between individuals of different sex in the same species.

I am interested in ordering, when will you ship?

--We only ship Mon-Wed incase of shipping delays and can ship to temps as low as 25 degrees. We are happy to ship when it is most convenient for you.

Can I add on to my existing order?

--Yes! Just send us a message with what you want to add and we can discuss payment options.

What is a good beginner species? 

—Anything Grammastola or Aphonopelma make great beginner genuses!