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Avicularia Juruensis M2 (Peruvian Purple Pinktoe) .5 in

Avicularia Juruensis M2 (Peruvian Purple Pinktoe) .5 in

Regular price $60.00
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Scientific Name: Avicularia Juruensis

Common Name: Peruvian Purple Pinktoe

Classification: New World Arboreal

Endemic Location:  Tropical rainforests of Peru

Adult Size: Approximately 5"-6"

Lifespan:  3 years for males and 12-15 years for females. 

Experience Level: Intermediate

Info:  This is a fast growing and skittish species.  They create web tunnels in the crevices and foliage of the trees to retreat to when they feel threatened.  They also have a very unique defense mechanism and  when threatened and can shot their excrement up to 3 feet.

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